Vertigo may occur after an accident involving Mild TBI. Vertigo is a sensation that makes you feel like the world is moving around and that you might lose your balance. The vestibulocochlear nerve is the eighth cranial nerve. It is composed of vestibular fibers and cochlear fibers. The vestibular portion senses changes in the position of the head while managing body balance and eye movement. When this nerve is damaged, it often is unable to heal. Vestibular Rehabilitation Therapy is offered at concussion treatment centers to treat symptoms of vertigo, dizziness, vision difficulties and imbalance. This is a specialized exercise program designed
An accident victim leaves the emergency room with negative findings on x-rays, CT scans and MRI scans of the brain. The victim continues to suffer from headache, confusion, lack of coordination, memory loss, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, ringing in the ears, sleepiness, and/or excessive fatigue. This person has many subjective symptoms but has no objective evidence of any cognitive defect. A subjective symptom is a symptom that a person says they have. An objective symptom is a symptom that can be measured or verified. An example of the value of objective evidence of mild TBI can be found in the Veterans Administration claims
A 2015 article in the Journal of Psychology and Clinical Psychiatry states that Mild TBI may represent 70-90% of all brain injury cases that require medical attention. After an accident, the injured party visits a hospital emergency room where x-rays, CT-scans and/or MRIs are reported as negative. The literature states that the symptoms usually resolve within 3 months, but that 20-30% of injured persons have symptoms up to 6 months and 10-15% have chronic symptoms. These concussion symptoms may include difficulties: with balance and stabilizing vision; with coordinating eye movements; ability to concentrate or remember; migraine headaches or anxiety. Some of the
The following are some of the personal documents that you should consider having in the event of the unexpected happening: WHY YOU NEED A WILL If you do not have a will and something unexpected happens, your home, money, and other property will be distributed according to a formula fixed by the law of the State in which you are domiciled. Your estate will be managed by someone who might not be the person you trusted to handle your affairs. Your minor children may be placed in the custody of someone you would not have chosen if asked. This law is the same
Not all brain injuries are the same. They can range from total and complete disability to a spectrum of unpleasant changes. The severity of a brain injury can be assessed by either the Rancho Los Amigos or Glasgow Coma Scale. The Rancho Los Amigos scale ranges from Level 1 (No response to ALL stimuli) to Level 10 (Purposeful Appropriate-responds to all stimulus). The Glasgow Coma Scale ranges from one (does not open eyes, makes no sounds, makes no movement) to fifteen (opens eyes spontaneously, oriented and converses normally, and obeys commands. The Glasgow Coma Scale focuses on eye, verbal and motor. It